Our B2B Associate membership allows businesses and suppliers access to our members via TSE. It is a great way to build relationships, network and increase your business exposure within the tourism industry across South East England.
Opportunities include one dedicated eshot to members per anum, a B2B website directory listing on which you can promote an exclusive offer to TSE members, we will support and share your social media content with our TSE audience and welcome you to our networking events and AGM to meet our members face to face.
Marketing Support
> Listing on www.tourismsoutheast.com under business directory, includes logo, description, contact details and hyperlink to website
>Opportunity to provide an exclusive member offer for promotion.
> One dedicated eshot per year to our membership database (opportunity for more depending on offer, relevance, demand)
>A supplier spotlight feature in one member update newsletter
> Introductions and recommendations given by TSE staff when talking with member businesses >Flyer distribution at meetings and at events (where relevant)
>Additional paid for and contra sponsorship opportunities at key TSE events including networking, the AGM/Conference and the flagship Beautiful South Awards.
Business Support
> Attendance at monthly member networking/workshops virtual & face to face
> Access to TSE expertise, advice, signposting, and advocacy throughout the year
> B2B member communications including newsletters
> Summary of TSE's regional research results, businesses/ visitor, and signposting to industry
> Two places at TSE Tourism Conference and AGM which includes a programme featuring industry experts.
> Named contact at TSE.
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