The Enhanced Cambridge Model 2
The Cambridge Model is an economic impact analysis model that has been estimating the volume and value of tourism in a district, county, or region for over 30 years.
It combines data from a number of sources to calculate the value and volume of tourism, focusing on the direct, indirect, and induced impacts of tourism on the local economy.
Key Components:
Visitor Numbers: Annual volume of day visitors and domestic and overseas staying visitors, by purpose of trip and type of accommodation used.
Visitor Spend: Average expenditure per visitor, categorised by different types of visitors (day visitors, overnight visitors, international visitors). ​
Economic Multiplier: Impact of secondary spending on different sectors as spending circulates through the local economy.​
Employment Impact: Number of jobs generated or supported by visitor spending.
Cambridge Model 2
What's New within Cambridge Model 2?
TSE Research has spent the past year investing in and building on the solid foundation of the Cambridge Model, bringing the now 30-year-old model up to date to ensure it remains as accurate and fit for purpose as possible.
This enhanced model is exclusively available through TSE Research with the following enhancements:
Hybrid Approach: The improved model uses both bottom-up and top-down data points, integrating localised metrics including car park and occupancy data.
Updated Algorithms and Formulas: The original model will be working on 1990s economic formulas to proportion data. We’ve updated the proportioning, algorithms and formulas to reflect current economics and new data sources. Business tourism, international visitors to districts, second homeowners and marina tourism are just some of the areas that have been brought up to date.
Incorporation of Private Short Term Rental Data: The private accommodation rental sector has moved considerably since the initial model was developed and traditional accommodation data gathering, and bedstocks do not include data from Airbnb, Vrbo and other private rental sites. The model now includes private rental data via AirDNA, integrating the following key metrics:
​Listing Nights Available and Listing Nights Booked
Occupancy rates ​​
Available Listings and Booked Listings
TSE can help you learn more about the short-term rental market in your area with our new packages. Find out more here:​​​​
Statistics for illustration only
Example Dashboard:
Predictive Trends Reporting: Utilising AI technologies to capture patterns from large datasets and estimate future trends.
Modernised Reports: Providing a comprehensive breakdown of the district/region/area visitor economies’ volume and value.
Overview Dashboard: An easy-to-read, presentation-ready dashboard is included as part of the package.