News Title 02

Fran Downton
1 July 2020
T8e of latest Government announcements - situation updat 30 June 2020
The full update can be seen here.
Situation update - local lockdown measures in Leicester
The Health Secretary announced in Parliament on 29 June 2020, that given the growing outbreak of coronavirus in Leicester, Leicester-specific measures will apply to the city of Leicester, and the surrounding area.
Measures include
· UK government recommends against all but essential travel to, from and within Leicester.
· The easing of the national lockdown, including the opening of bars, restaurants and hairdressers, will not happen in Leicester on 4 July.
· From Tuesday 30 June non-essential retail will have to close.
· Schools will close from Thursday 2 July, staying open for vulnerable children and children of critical workers.
· The relaxation of shielding measures due on the 6 July cannot now take place in Leicester.
These local measures will be kept under review and will not be kept in place any longer than is necessary. The UK Government will review whether any measures can be eased in 2 weeks’ time. More information is available here.
Government updates
· A New video on flexible furloughing is available
· New regulations will give greater freedom for buildings and land in town centres to change use without planning permission and create new homes from the regeneration of vacant and redundant buildings.
· Guidance for the public, providers of outdoor sport facilities, elite athletes, personal trainers and coaches on the phased return of sport and recreation has been updated to reflect the new measures that can be implemented from 4 July.
· Safer travel guidance for passengers and operators in England has been updated with information on social distancing.
· New guidance available for those managing community centres, village halls and other community facilities on safely re-opening multi-purpose buildings.
· New figures (up to 28 June) are available for Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS), Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) and Future Fund Scheme.
· Updated data (up to 28 June) for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme, and data for the VAT payments deferral scheme is available.
· Data on local authority payments to small and medium businesses in England (up to 28 June) is available.
Speech by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the economy
Boris Johnson gave a speech on the economy today, announcing a “New Deal” which puts jobs and infrastructure at the centre of the government’s economic growth strategy. The Prime Minister announced the bringing forward of £5bn of capital investment projects, supporting jobs and the economic recovery. In the Autumn the government will also publish a National Infrastructure Strategy which will set a clear direction on core economic infrastructure, including energy networks, road and rail, flood defences and waste. UK Government also intends to bring forward funding to accelerate infrastructure projects in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland and will carry out a review to look at how best to improve road, rail, air and sea links between our four nations to create a more connected kingdom. Find more here.
Travel updates
· easyJet has entered into a formal consultation with employee representatives (including BALPA and UNITE) on the potential closing of three of its bases in the UK – London Stansted, London Southend and Newcastle. These airports would remain part of easyJet’s route network.
Situation update
To see the number of cases of COVID-19 in England and the UK visit the UK COVID-19 dashboard -
To see the number of cases globally see the World Health Organisation dashboard -
TSE COVID -19 Business Support Page with useful links and practical advice here
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